Many kinds of familiar, historical and migratory circumstances may lead to having a right to real estate not being aware of it, be as a sole owner or as a joint owner. Since the times of the Romans, the right of property over real estate is deemed “perpetual”, meaning by this that it is not extinguished by the passing of time, even though the real estate remains unused or apparently abandoned. It may happen that somebody occupies the land and, if his possession persists over a set period of time defined by the law, may acquire the right to the property by means of adverse possession. However, if nobody occupies the land, or who does so does not fulfill the requirements for adverse possession, the property remains for the owner or his or her successors. Due to the legal principle according to which the right to real property is perpetual, real estate may remain for an indefinite period of time at the disposal of the owner, his successors or even the successors of the latter.
Stilman Research is a Licensed Private Investigative Agency in the State of Florida, pursuant Chapter 493 of the Florida Statutes - License Number A 1500310.